The series NOS4A2, a horror novelty produced by AMC, promised to be a chilling experience. The campaign itself, which we approached unconventionally, delivered just that. The elite youtuber Expl0ited with his nearly one million followers got what he had been dreaming of for a long time – maximum creative freedom.
And he used it to the fullest.
He spent the best 24 hours of his life thanks to a production budget that resulted in innovative and literally groundbreaking content, breaking viewership and popularity records.
We thus proved that the balance between YouTuber content and commercial product information is the key to a successful campaign, but it is also the most difficult to achieve. In this case, however, it turned out perfectly.
The campaign generated a huge response and very positive reviews, with a total reach of over 1.6 million. Despite a limited budget of nearly 7,900 euros, we were able to generate truly unrivalled content on social media.
Expl0ited additionally kick-started the use of a mobile app that turned any horror enthusiast into NOS4A2’s terrifying protagonist, Charlie Manx, in a second.